<div style="max-width:33%; width:250px; max-height:350px; display:inline-block;"><img src=""></div><div style="max-width:33%; width:250px; max-height:350px; display:inline-block;"><img src=""></div><div style="max-width:33%; width:250px; max-height:350px; display:inline-block;"><img src=""></div>
[[draw->first card]]<div style="display:none;">(display: "draw logic")</div>
<div style="max-width:33%; width:250px; max-height:350px; display:inline-block;">(display:"past image")</div></div><div style="max-width:33%; width:250px; max-height:350px; display:inline-block;"><img src=""></div></div><div style="max-width:33%; width:250px; max-height:350px; display:inline-block;"><img src=""></div></div>
[[...->second card]](if: $selectedCard is "fool") [
(set: $circumstance to "beginning")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "magician") [
(set: $circumstance to "power")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "priestess") [
(set: $circumstance to "mystery")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "empress") [
(set: $circumstance to "abundance")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "emperor") [
(set: $circumstance to "achievement")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "scholar") [
(set: $circumstance to "community")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "lovers") [
(set: $circumstance to "love")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "chariot") [
(set: $circumstance to "victory")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "strength") [
(set: $circumstance to "courage")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "hermit") [
(set: $circumstance to "solitude")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "fortune") [
(set: $circumstance to "destiny")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "justice") [
(set: $circumstance to "decision")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "hanging") [
(set: $circumstance to "suspension")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "death") [
(set: $circumstance to "ending")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "temperance") [
(set: $circumstance to "balance")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "devil") [
(set: $circumstance to "restriction")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "tower") [
(set: $circumstance to "disaster")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "star") [
(set: $circumstance to "serenity")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "moon") [
(set: $circumstance to "fear")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "sun") [
(set: $circumstance to "success")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "judgement") [
(set: $circumstance to "rebirth")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "world") [
(set: $circumstance to "accomplishment")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "onecup") [
(set: $circumstance to "emotion")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "twocups") [
(set: $circumstance to "connection")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "threecups") [
(set: $circumstance to "community")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "fourcups") [
(set: $circumstance to "apathy")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "fivecups") [
(set: $circumstance to "loss")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "sixcups") [
(set: $circumstance to "reunion")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "sevencups") [
(set: $circumstance to "options")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "eightcups") [
(set: $circumstance to "withdrawal")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "ninecups") [
(set: $circumstance to "fulfillment")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "tencups") [
(set: $circumstance to "harmony")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "cuppage") [
(set: $circumstance to "messages")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "cupknight") [
(set: $circumstance to "refinement")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "cupqueen") [
(set: $circumstance to "calm")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "cupking") [
(set: $circumstance to "diplomacy")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "onewand") [
(set: $circumstance to "creation")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "twowands") [
(set: $circumstance to "planning")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "threewands") [
(set: $circumstance to "preperation")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "fourwands") [
(set: $circumstance to "home")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "fivewands") [
(set: $circumstance to "disagreement")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "sixwands") [
(set: $circumstance to "acclaim")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "sevenwands") [
(set: $circumstance to "defiance")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "eightwands") [
(set: $circumstance to "change")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "ninewands") [
(set: $circumstance to "challenge")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "tenwands") [
(set: $circumstance to "burden")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "wandpage") [
(set: $circumstance to "discovery")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "wandknight") [
(set: $circumstance to "adventure")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "wandqueen") [
(set: $circumstance to "vibrancy")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "wandking") [
(set: $circumstance to "leadership")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "onesword") [
(set: $circumstance to "justice")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "twoswords") [
(set: $circumstance to "stalemate")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "threeswords") [
(set: $circumstance to "heartbreak")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "fourswords") [
(set: $circumstance to "contemplation")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "fiveswords") [
(set: $circumstance to "betrayal")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "sixswords") [
(set: $circumstance to "passage")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "sevenswords") [
(set: $circumstance to "deception")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "eightswords") [
(set: $circumstance to "restriction")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "nineswords") [
(set: $circumstance to "depression")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "tenswords") [
(set: $circumstance to "defeat")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "swordpage") [
(set: $circumstance to "conversation")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "swordknight") [
(set: $circumstance to "haste")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "swordqueen") [
(set: $circumstance to "independence")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "swordking") [
(set: $circumstance to "learnedness")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "onecoin") [
(set: $circumstance to "prosperity")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "twocoins") [
(set: $circumstance to "adjustment")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "threecoins") [
(set: $circumstance to "learning")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "fourcoins") [
(set: $circumstance to "conservatism")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "fivecoins") [
(set: $circumstance to "insecurity")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "sixcoins") [
(set: $circumstance to "resources")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "sevencoins") [
(set: $circumstance to "reward")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "eightcoins") [
(set: $circumstance to "education")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "ninecoins") [
(set: $circumstance to "luxury")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "tencoins") [
(set: $circumstance to "inheritance")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "coinpage") [
(set: $circumstance to "opportunity")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "coinknight") [
(set: $circumstance to "routine")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "coinqueen") [
(set: $circumstance to "home")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "coinking") [
(set: $circumstance to "discipline")
] (else:) [
I had a problem!
](if: $selectedCard is "fool") [
(set: $suggestion to "optimism")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "magician") [
(set: $suggestion to "concentration")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "priestess") [
(set: $suggestion to "intuition")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "empress") [
(set: $suggestion to "creativity")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "emperor") [
(set: $suggestion to "structure")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "scholar") [
(set: $suggestion to "tradition")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "lovers") [
(set: $suggestion to "alignment")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "chariot") [
(set: $suggestion to "determination")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "strength") [
(set: $suggestion to "patience")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "hermit") [
(set: $suggestion to "introspection")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "fortune") [
(set: $suggestion to "movement")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "justice") [
(set: $suggestion to "fairness")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "hanging") [
(set: $suggestion to "sacrifice")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "death") [
(set: $suggestion to "transformation")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "temperance") [
(set: $suggestion to "moderation")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "devil") [
(set: $suggestion to "commitment")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "tower") [
(set: $suggestion to "upheaval")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "star") [
(set: $suggestion to "hope")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "moon") [
(set: $suggestion to "imagination")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "sun") [
(set: $suggestion to "positivity")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "judgement") [
(set: $suggestion to "absolution")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "world") [
(set: $suggestion to "integration")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "onecup") [
(set: $suggestion to "love")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "twocups") [
(set: $suggestion to "partnership")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "threecups") [
(set: $suggestion to "celebration")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "fourcups") [
(set: $suggestion to "meditation")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "fivecups") [
(set: $suggestion to "reflection")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "sixcups") [
(set: $suggestion to "memories")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "sevencups") [
(set: $suggestion to "imagination")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "eightcups") [
(set: $suggestion to "progress")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "ninecups") [
(set: $suggestion to "appreciation")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "tencups") [
(set: $suggestion to "peace")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "cuppage") [
(set: $suggestion to "intuition")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "cupknight") [
(set: $suggestion to "sensitivity")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "cupqueen") [
(set: $suggestion to "tenderness")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "cupking") [
(set: $suggestion to "wisdom")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "onewand") [
(set: $suggestion to "confidence")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "twowands") [
(set: $suggestion to "boldness")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "threewands") [
(set: $suggestion to "expansion")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "fourwands") [
(set: $suggestion to "celebration")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "fivewands") [
(set: $suggestion to "competition")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "sixwands") [
(set: $suggestion to "self-confidence")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "sevenwands") [
(set: $suggestion to "perserverance")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "eightwands") [
(set: $suggestion to "action")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "ninewands") [
(set: $suggestion to "persistance")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "tenwands") [
(set: $suggestion to "struggle")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "wandpage") [
(set: $suggestion to "enthusiasm")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "wandknight") [
(set: $suggestion to "passion")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "wandqueen") [
(set: $suggestion to "determination")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "wandking") [
(set: $suggestion to "force")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "onesword") [
(set: $suggestion to "fortitude")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "twoswords") [
(set: $suggestion to "choice")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "threeswords") [
(set: $suggestion to "seperation")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "fourswords") [
(set: $suggestion to "rest")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "fiveswords") [
(set: $suggestion to "self-reliance")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "sixswords") [
(set: $suggestion to "recovery")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "sevenswords") [
(set: $suggestion to "stealth")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "eightswords") [
(set: $suggestion to "adjustment")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "nineswords") [
(set: $suggestion to "sleep")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "tenswords") [
(set: $suggestion to "conviction")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "swordpage") [
(set: $suggestion to "honesty")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "swordknight") [
(set: $suggestion to "authority")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "swordqueen") [
(set: $suggestion to "perception")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "swordking") [
(set: $suggestion to "ethics")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "onecoin") [
(set: $suggestion to "practicality")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "twocoins") [
(set: $suggestion to "flexibility")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "threecoins") [
(set: $suggestion to "teamwork")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "fourcoins") [
(set: $suggestion to "control")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "fivecoins") [
(set: $suggestion to "faith")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "sixcoins") [
(set: $suggestion to "generosity")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "sevencoins") [
(set: $suggestion to "investment")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "eightcoins") [
(set: $suggestion to "diligence")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "ninecoins") [
(set: $suggestion to "discipline")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "tencoins") [
(set: $suggestion to "convention")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "coinpage") [
(set: $suggestion to "trust")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "coinknight") [
(set: $suggestion to "realism")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "coinqueen") [
(set: $suggestion to "practicality")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "coinking") [
(set: $suggestion to "security")
] (else:) [
I had a problem!
]<div style="max-width:33%; width:250px; max-height:350px; display:inline-block;">(display:"past image")</div></div><div style="max-width:33%; width:250px; max-height:350px; display:inline-block;">(display:"present image")</div><div style="max-width:33%; width:250px; max-height:350px; display:inline-block;">(display:"try image")</div>
there was $pastCircumstance
and now, $presentCircumstance
i recommend <span style="font-weight:bold;">$trySuggestion</span>
[[again?->focus]] / [[about]]<div style="max-width:33%; width:250px; max-height:350px; display:inline-block;">(display:"past image")</div></div><div style="max-width:33%; width:250px; max-height:350px; display:inline-block;">(display:"present image")</div></div><div style="max-width:33%; width:250px; max-height:350px; display:inline-block;"><img src=""></div></div>
[[...->third card]]<div style="max-width:33%; width:250px; max-height:350px; display:inline-block;">(display:"past image")</div></div><div style="max-width:33%; width:250px; max-height:350px; display:inline-block;">(display:"present image")</div></div><div style="max-width:33%; width:250px; max-height:350px; display:inline-block;">(display:"try image")</div></div>
[[...->results]](if: $selectedCard is "fool") [
(set: $name to "fool")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "magician") [
(set: $name to "magician")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "priestess") [
(set: $name to "priestess")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "empress") [
(set: $name to "empress")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "emperor") [
(set: $name to "emperor")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "scholar") [
(set: $name to "scholar")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "lovers") [
(set: $name to "lovers")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "chariot") [
(set: $name to "chariot")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "strength") [
(set: $name to "strength")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "hermit") [
(set: $name to "hermit")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "fortune") [
(set: $name to "fortune")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "justice") [
(set: $name to "justice")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "hanging") [
(set: $name to "hanging")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "death") [
(set: $name to "death")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "temperance") [
(set: $name to "temperance")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "devil") [
(set: $name to "devil")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "tower") [
(set: $name to "tower")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "star") [
(set: $name to "star")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "moon") [
(set: $name to "moon")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "sun") [
(set: $name to "sun")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "judgement") [
(set: $name to "judgement")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "world") [
(set: $name to "world")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "onecup") [
(set: $name to "one cup")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "twocups") [
(set: $name to "two cups")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "threecups") [
(set: $name to "three cups")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "fourcups") [
(set: $name to "four cups")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "fivecups") [
(set: $name to "five cups")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "sixcups") [
(set: $name to "six cups")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "sevencups") [
(set: $name to "seven cups")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "eightcups") [
(set: $name to "eight cups")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "ninecups") [
(set: $name to "nine cups")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "tencups") [
(set: $name to "ten cups")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "cuppage") [
(set: $name to "cup page")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "cupknight") [
(set: $name to "cup knight")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "cupqueen") [
(set: $name to "cup queen")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "cupking") [
(set: $name to "cup king")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "onewand") [
(set: $name to "one wand")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "twowands") [
(set: $name to "two wands")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "threewands") [
(set: $name to "three wands")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "fourwands") [
(set: $name to "four wands")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "fivewands") [
(set: $name to "five wands")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "sixwands") [
(set: $name to "six wands")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "sevenwands") [
(set: $name to "seven wands")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "eightwands") [
(set: $name to "eight wands")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "ninewands") [
(set: $name to "nine wands")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "tenwands") [
(set: $name to "ten wands")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "wandpage") [
(set: $name to "wand page")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "wandknight") [
(set: $name to "wand knight")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "wandqueen") [
(set: $name to "wand queen")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "wandking") [
(set: $name to "wand king")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "onesword") [
(set: $name to "one sword")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "twoswords") [
(set: $name to "two swords")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "threeswords") [
(set: $name to "three swords")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "fourswords") [
(set: $name to "four swords")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "fiveswords") [
(set: $name to "five swords")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "sixswords") [
(set: $name to "six swords")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "sevenswords") [
(set: $name to "seven swords")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "eightswords") [
(set: $name to "eight swords")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "nineswords") [
(set: $name to "nine swords")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "tenswords") [
(set: $name to "ten swords")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "swordpage") [
(set: $name to "sword page")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "swordknight") [
(set: $name to "sword knight")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "swordqueen") [
(set: $name to "sword queen")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "swordking") [
(set: $name to "sword king")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "onecoin") [
(set: $name to "one coin")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "twocoins") [
(set: $name to "two coins")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "threecoins") [
(set: $name to "three coins")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "fourcoins") [
(set: $name to "four coins")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "fivecoins") [
(set: $name to "five coins")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "sixcoins") [
(set: $name to "six coins")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "sevencoins") [
(set: $name to "seven coins")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "eightcoins") [
(set: $name to "eight coins")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "ninecoins") [
(set: $name to "nine coins")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "tencoins") [
(set: $name to "ten coins")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "coinpage") [
(set: $name to "coin page")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "coinknight") [
(set: $name to "coin knight")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "coinqueen") [
(set: $name to "coin queen")
] (elseif: $selectedCard is "coinking") [
(set: $name to "coin king")
](set: $cards to (array: "fool", "magician", "priestess", "empress", "emperor", "scholar", "lovers", "chariot", "strength", "hermit", "fortune", "justice", "hanging", "death", "temperance", "devil", "tower", "star", "moon", "sun", "judgement", "world", "onecup", "twocups", "threecups", "fourcups", "fivecups", "sixcups", "sevencups", "eightcups", "ninecups", "tencups", "cuppage", "cupknight", "cupqueen", "cupking", "onewand", "twowands", "threewands", "fourwands", "fivewands", "sixwands", "sevenwands", "eightwands", "ninewands", "tenwands", "wandpage", "wandknight", "wandqueen", "wandking", "onesword", "twoswords", "threeswords", "fourswords", "fiveswords", "sixswords", "sevenswords", "eightswords", "nineswords", "tenswords", "swordpage", "swordknight", "swordqueen", "swordking", "onecoin", "twocoins", "threecoins", "fourcoins", "fivecoins", "sixcoins", "sevencoins", "eightcoins", "ninecoins", "tencoins", "coinpage", "coinknight", "coinqueen", "coinking"))(set: $past to (either: ...$cards))(set: $selectedCard to $past)(display: "name")(set: $pastName to $name)(display: "circumstance")(set: $pastCircumstance to $circumstance)(set: $removed to $cards.splice($cards.indexOf($past),1))(set: $present to (either: ...$cards))(set: $selectedCard to $present)(display: "name")(set: $presentName to $name)(display: "circumstance")(set: $presentCircumstance to $circumstance)(set: $removed to $cards.splice($cards.indexOf($present),1))(set: $try to (either: ...$cards))(set: $selectedCard to $try)(display: "name")(set: $tryName to $name)(display: "suggestion")(set: $trySuggestion to $suggestion)(if: $past is "fool") [
<img src=""><div style="display:none;">
] (elseif: $past is "magician") [
<img src=""><div style="display:none;">
] (elseif: $past is "priestess") [
<img src=""><div style="display:none;">
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]<span style="font-size:30px; font-weight:bold;">tiny tarot</span>
made with twine 2, in an evening, for twiny jam
300 words exactly
but not including this page
made by chelsea stearns, so if it's broken, let her know