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Jeu Hazardous Rescue

Hazardous Rescue

This gaming website is available in: English.

Description du jeu "Hazardous Rescue" :
Remember those creepy labs where evil doctors kept making all kinds of secret projects and came up with all kind of creatures? One night, the bad scientist mixed something puffy with something funny and came out some funny, furry monsters. They are not evil as their maker and they are about to have the great escape. To reach the ceiling they must form a tower without falling apart. Use your balancing techniques and try to keep the tower intact without falling any of the furry monster. Do not let the poor creatures reach the floor. Use the metallic platforms to keep them away from the acid that is spread all over the lab. Have a blast with Hazardous Rescue!
Instructions: Use the mouse to help the puffy creatures in their escape attempt.

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