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Seductive Vampire Makeover

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Description du jeu "Seductive Vampire Makeover" :
With all this Twilight series frenzy going on right now, more and more boys and girls imagine they turn into vampires and get to live forever and ever roaming around the world. This amazingly beautiful girl is the biggest Twilight fan and she has done everything in her power to become a true seductive vampire, one who will break all innocent hearts and walk around looking gorgeous and breathe taking all the time. She knows that becoming a vampire is not that easy so she decided to try getting a vampire makeover and see how things turn out. Will she end up looking like a seductive vampire or will she just look like a rather pale pretty girl? Her seductive vampire makeover secrets are just like all the other secrets vampires keep for ages, but today these secrets are all out in the open and the timing is perfect for all of us Twilight fans to discover them. We can dress this future seductive vampire up and choose the perfect makeup for her look as well. Bella would better hide by the time we're done since there will be no other vampire in the world as seductive as the one in our game.

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